Завершение объединения русских земель в конце XV — начале XVI вв.
С окончательным признанием наследственных прав московских князей на титул великих князей владимирских процесс объединения земель вокруг Москвы пошел значительно быстрее. Еще при Дмитрии Донском к Москве были присоединены Дмитров, Стародуб и Кострома, значительные территории в Заволжье и ряд мелких княжеств в верховьях Оки. В 1392-1393 гг. к Москве было присоединено Нижегородское княжество; в конце XIV в. земли коми-пермяков по реке Вычегде. Большую роль в присоединении этой территории сыграла миссионерская деятельность просветителя пермской земли и первого пермского епископа Стефана.
Наиболее крупным независимым государственным образованием наряду с Московским княжеством оставался Новгород. В условиях феодальной раздробленности новгородское боярство, лавируя между противоборствующими князьями, сохраняло свои привилегии и независимость Новгородской земли. Когда Москва стала ведущей политической силой, эта тактика себя исчерпала.
В борьбе с Москвой часть новгородского боярства и духовенства стремилась опереться на поддержку Литовского государства, договориться о подчинении Новгорода Литве при условии сохранения власти боярской аристократии. Однако Новгород сознавался и самими новгородцами и жителями северо-востока как неотъемлемая часть русских земель. Поэтому ориентация на враждебное Руси и иноверное (католическое) Литовское государство расценивалась как антинациональная и была крайне непопулярной как в самом Новгороде, так и за его пределами.
В 1456 г. Василий II совершил поход на Новгород, поддерживавший во время феодальной войны Дмитрия Шемяку. После разгрома под Русой был заключен Яжелбицкий договор, согласно которому Новгород уплачивал великому князю большую контрибуцию и обязывался впредь не оказывать поддержки противникам великого князя. Законодательная власть веча была отменена, право внешних сношений ограничено.
В 70-х гг. XV в. в политической жизни Новгорода усилилось влияние пролитовски настроенной боярской группировки, во главе которой стояли Борецкие. Ответом на это стал поход в 1471 г. на Новгород, организованный великим князем Иваном III (1462-1505) как общерусский поход против отступников к "латинству". В решающем сражении на р. Шелони основная часть новгородского ополчения сражалась неохотно, а архиепископский полк вообще не принимал участия в боевых действиях. Иван III расправился со сторонниками Литвы в среде Новгородского боярства. В 1478 г. независимость Новгородской республики была окончательно ликвидирована, традиционные органы управления — вече и посадник — запрещены, а вечевой колокол увезен в Москву.
В 1485 г. после двухдневного сопротивления Тверь сдалась московским войскам. Большинство тверского боярства перешло на московскую службу. В 1489 г. к Русскому государству была присоединена важная в промысловом отношении Вятка.
Хотя Псков в отличие от Новгорода всегда сохранял верность и поддерживал московских князей, судьба псковской независимости была решена. В 1510 г. в княжение Василия III (1505-1533) Псковская республика прекратила свое существование. Наконец, в 1521 г. перестало существовать находившееся в вассальной зависимости от Москвы Рязанское княжество. Объединение русских земель было в основном завершено.
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In everyday life, getting what you need commences with some knowledge. You have to absorb just what the experts offer you on the subject. Car shopping requires the same research, and this information has each of the tricks and tips you need to make purchasing a car a stroll, http://www.autoskupkatowice.ovh/ - www.autoskupkatowice.ovh/ in the park.
Never go along with the set cost of a car when you're car shopping. Usually people price things with the knowledge that they'll ought to lower it if the buyer gets there. If you are paying with cash, it doesn't hurt to tell them that either. People who see lots of money will probably permit it to opt for less.
Never get a car on your own first purchase towards the showroom. Every car dealer will attempt to get you to walk out with a brand new set of keys at hand. While this could be tempting, understand that this can be a big purchase. Invest some time shopping around and ensure that the deal you're on offer is often the best choice for you.
Search the world wide web for excellent deals. Doing a bit of online research can lead to major savings. If you locate the model you need, you can proceed to the dealer directly or have a local dealer bring the vehicle to you personally. In the event the dealership is in close proximity, try planning to save more money.
When selecting a fresh car, look at reviews of the vehicle online before seeing the dealer. If people have had bad experiences with the car you are thinking about buying, you might want to go with a different one. Most new car financing are for 6 years and you do not want problems with the car in this period of time.
Once you learn you will be easily convinced by salespeople, you should not go buying a new car on your own. Ask a friend or family member in the future together with you and assist you in making the proper decision. Allow the person with do you know what you desire away from a vehicle before visiting a car lot.
If you are paying a high payment over a luxury vehicle today, usually do not take that car along with you. Should you do, the salesperson will not likely take any low provides have.
Be aware of the car salesman who gives you a cost over a car before he visits his sales manager. The salesman will explain anything you would like to hear, only the manager can approve the deal. Ask to communicate to the manager face to face and find out the sale in writing before committing to purchase the car.
Set a financial budget and stay with it when searching for an auto. It can be hard to stick with a spending budget when you get a car that you will want, but there is nothing good about an impulse buy. Figure out what within your budget before starting looking so that you will tend not to break the bank.
Never get a car the same day which you believe it is. A guideline is usually to sleep around the decision. This way you possess time to contemplate the pros and cons from the car and how much you imagine the car is designed for you. Will not worry that this car will likely be sold in the meantime because there are much more available.
Work with your credit rating before you purchase a car. A poor credit rating means higher interest fees. That will lead to a higher monthly car bill. And in some cases, that will result in higher premiums for vehicle insurance. Get your credit as a way which means you aren't locked into high fees for the lifetime of your car or truck loan.
Knowing how much you will need to spend, find out about the cars within that range. Read about the car itself, its mpg, number of doors, trunk space, driver's reviews, safety record and the way frequently it requires repairs normally. Assign each a rating and select those on top of a list.
Be on the lookout for year end specials. These specials generally begin in the fourth quarter for each year and feature manufacturer set deals that remain unrivaled when compared with other deals around. These deals exist due to new year and new model year, which implies newer cars using the host to older ones.
While purchasing a second hand car often is a superb deal, don't forget it carries some real risk. While you may well be happy with the $5,000, you saved, if you want to get a new engine in a few months, you truly haven't saved anything. Often be cautious when buying used.
With this knowledge in your thoughts and that article inside your hand, you'll be prepared for anything the salesperson throws at you. You will know what you want and the ways to have it, which gives you the power. The next thing is to discover the lot you wish to visit and carry it over with the confidence.
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Many people don't know when to trust a dealership or when they are being duped. It's difficult to know, and the salesmen don't just out themselves. You have to know what you're doing, and you ought to be prepared. Take into account the tips you're planning to read to get you must ready for next time.
Usually do not make the mistake of concentrating on merely the monthly instalment amount if you are car shopping. This could force you to get a higher priced car than you are able to really afford. You have to concentrate on the total price in the vehicle itself and whether that is a great deal.
Research the price of your trade-in. Not just are you looking to research the best price for that new car you want to purchase, nevertheless, you also have to learn how much your trade-in may be worth. Research your options and see the retail and wholesale values of your trade-in. Aim to get the retail value from your dealerhttp://www.goooooooooogle.com - .
Take a prolonged test drive. Don't you need to take it for any quick spin with the neighborhood on your own. Instead, enlist everyone who will be regularly riding in the vehicle to talk about their opinions. Ask the dealer for the full afternoon test drive so that you have the opportunity to bring it about the freeway to check stuff like the pickup and also the blind spots, and take some time really feeling the comfort of the interior.
It's an awesome thing to know what you're doing when you visit get a car at a dealership. Now that you find out of things to search for and do, you will end up much better prepared when around. Put everything you've learned together, and ensure you are a step ahead the very next time.
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